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The Only Skincare Tips You Need As A Beginner

Updated: Apr 15

Navigating the world of skincare can be both exciting and overwhelming especially now in 2023. With a myriad of products going viral on social media and thousands of routines available, where does one begin? This guide is your introduction to skincare. From basics to advanced skincare tips, discover the most important things you need to know when starting your skincare journey.

skincare tips

General Skincare Tips

Visit A Skin Professional

Visiting a dermatologist or an aesthetician should be your first reflex when you have a skin issue rather than looking for random advice online. If possible, try to get regular check-ups to monitor your skin’s health, identify potential issues like acne, eczema, or even skin cancer early, and tailor skincare recommendations based on your unique needs. Remember, achieving your skincare goals often starts with understanding what's happening beneath the surface. Luckily today skincare consultations with experts are possible online so invest in your skin’s health.

Know Your Skintype

Dry, oily, combination, or normal skin? Knowing your skin type is essential because it dictates which products and ingredients will work best for you. Chances are you have tried a lot of products others swear by and they probably did not deliver the results you expected. This is because skin care is very subjective and products are not always a one-size-fits-all. If you are not sure of your type or do not know what specific skin condition you're dealing with, visit a dermatologist or esthetician. In the meantime, here is a simple how-to-know-your-skin type test you can do at home to guide you.

Get Products Formulated For Your Skin Type

Using products tailored to your skin type ensures that you're not aggravating any existing issues. For example, those with oily skin might benefit from lightweight, non-comedogenic formulas while staying away from oils that are pore-clogging.

Eat Healthy

Your skin reflects what you consume. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Incorporate a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Antioxidants in berries, hydration from cucumbers, and the vitamins in leafy greens all play a role in a glowing complexion.

Use The Right Cleansers and Hydrators

Facial Cleansers

Facial cleansers are a category of cleansers that contain surfactants that break the surface tension of oil and dirt found on the skin to get rid of them. Choosing the right cleanser is very important because this step lays the foundation for your skincare routine.

When picking a cleanser avoid any harsh cleansers that too stripping and leave your skin feeling tight or squeaking clean. This is the key to ensuring your face is free from daily grime without stripping essential oils.

Body Soaps

Avoid soaps that are too harsh on the skin and contain strong antibacterial agents in them. These can dry your skin and destroy your skin barrier exposing you to the risk of infections. Instead, opt for natural, moisturizing soaps that cleanse without drying.

Body Scrubs

Exfoliate once a week with a scrub suited for your skin type, removing dead cells and revealing smoother skin beneath.

Chemical Exfoliants

For your face incorporate chemical exfoliants into your routine to promote cell turnover and radiant skin. Always follow with a good moisturizer and sunscreen. I am a huge fan of chemical exfoliants as they produce faster results when used consistently and with care.

Use The Right Hydrating Products

Hydrators, like hyaluronic acid serums, boost the skin's moisture content. They prep the skin to absorb moisturizers better, ensuring soft and plump skin.

Use The Right Treatment Serums

Serums in skincare are lightweight, fast-absorbing liquids packed with a high concentration of active ingredients, designed to penetrate deeply into the skin. Their focus is delivering potent actives to address specific skin concerns, such as aging, hyperpigmentation, or acne. They're typically applied after cleansing and toning but before moisturizing to ensure maximum absorption.

Choosing the right serum is vital for targeted skin treatment. Each serum is formulated for distinct skin issues, and using the appropriate one ensures that specific concerns are addressed effectively. Moreover, the wrong choice can lead to skin irritation, especially with potent ingredients, or be a wasted investment. It's essential to match a serum to one's skin needs for optimal results and cost-effectiveness. From Vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid to retinol, find that addresses your primary skin concern and incorporate it post-cleansing.

Use The Right Moisturizers

Facial Moisturizers

Moisturizers contain emollients that soften and condition the skin as well as occlusives that lock in hydration and protect your skin barrier. A good moisturizer helps seal all actives applied to the skin and traps moisture for plump and healthy skin. Remember, even oily skin needs moisturizing!

Body Moisturizers

Applying body moisturizers is a step that a lot of people skip however it is vital to maintain healthy and radiant skin all over your body. To avoid ashy, dry, and dull skin after your shower, slather on a body lotion or cream on damp skin to keep skin supple and soft.

Use The Right Sunscreen

Sunscreen is non-negotiable. Daily sun protection prevents premature aging, sunburn, and skin cancer. Daily exposure to UV rays leads to premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and sunburn without forgetting that it worsens inflammatory skin conditions like acne. Make sure you apply sunscreen with an SPT of at least 30+ and reapply every 2 hours on the parts of your skin that are frequently exposed to the sun.

Avoid Using Too Many Products

I have learned the hard way that in skincare, less is often more. It is easy to get drowned in the thousands of miracle products on the beauty market. But do not fall into the trap of buying every trending product and run the risk of overloading skin which can lead to irritation and breakouts. Stick to essential skincare routine steps that serve a clear purpose.

Use Skincare Products in The Correct Order

Applying your skincare products in the wrong order is the surest way to waste your skincare products and staunch your results. The rule of thumb you should never forget is to apply products from the lightest to the thickest consistency to allow for proper absorption of all your actives:

  1. Cleanser

  2. Toner

  3. Serum

  4. Moisturizer

  5. Sunscreen

Create A Simple Routine

3-Step Routine

As a beginner skincare does not have to be more complex than a 3 step routine: Cleanser, Moisturizer, Sunscreen.

5-Step Routine

For those in need of targeted treatments for specific concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, etc. you can set up a 5-step routine for optimal results: Cleanser, Toner, Serum, Moisturizer, Sunscreen.

5+ Steps Routine

If your skincare routine is over 5 steps, you are a skincare enthusiast who loves layering: Incorporate additional treatments like essences, ampoules, or face masks as needed.

Morning Routine

When building a morning routine, prioritize protection with products that contain antioxidants like Vitamin C serums and never step out without sunscreen.

Nighttime Routine

The night is the time for your skin to recuperate and rejuvenate itself from all the stress it experiences throughout the day. Focus on repair with richer moisturizers, retinols, and peptides.

Keep Your Hands Away From Face

Touching your face transfers bacteria which can lead to breakouts. Resist the urge and keep your hands clean. Do not pick on active acne as this increases the risk of skin inflammation and leads to post-inflammatory marks aka dark spots to appear on the skin.

Use Face Masks

Face masks are very optional but I love to treat myself to weekly masking sessions tailored to my skin's needs, be it hydration, detoxification, or exfoliation. It also allows me to relax and practice some mindfulness.

Do Not Use One Towel For Body and Face

Dedicate a separate towel for your face to avoid transferring body oils and bacteria from your body to your skin especially if you have acne-prone skin or an impaired skin barrier.

FAQs Skincare Tips

What Are The Basic Tips to Skin Care?

  1. Know your skin type.

  2. Cleanse daily.

  3. Moisturize regularly.

  4. Always use sunscreen.

  5. Eat a balanced diet.

How Can I Improve My Skin in A Short Time?

Hydrate, exfoliate and prioritize sleep. These can bring about noticeable changes in a short period.

What is The Best Skin Care Regimen?

  1. Cleanser.

  2. Toner.

  3. Exfoliant.

  4. Serum.

  5. Eye Cream.

  6. Moisturizer.

  7. Sunscreen.

What Skin Care Product Can I Put On My Skin Everyday?

Sunscreen. It protects against harmful UV rays, preventing premature aging and sun damage.

What Are The 3 Most Important Skincare Products?

  • Sunscreen.

  • Moisturizer.

  • A gentle cleanser.


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